Friday, February 13, 2009

Third Weigh-In - February 12, 2009

I must admit that I was really excited for this weigh-in. Our scale was going down, clothes were fitting better and it felt like I had made some real progress on the exercise this week. I lost 3 lbs, and I am satisfied with that. The fat % did go up a did, but for reasons beyond my control and that should all even out this week. I did learn that the little electronic fat measuring machine measures excess fluids as fat. So I still think it is all good for now and I am already looking forward to my next weigh-in.

And this weekend I can take my free day. I am a little nervous about eating whatever I want, but boy do I really want some pizza and white bread with butter. I don't intend to go crazy, but I do plan to enjoy some of the foods I have been missing. I am a little worried about how going off the plan for a day will effect my weight loss. It is supposed to be good, and so far everything they have told me has worked, so I guess I just have to trust the system. I don't know which day to pick yet. I had been planning all week on my free day being tomorrow but we have postponed the kids' trip to Chuck E Cheese until Sunday so I think I will wait until then.

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