Friday, June 5, 2009

Fifteenth Weigh-In, June 4, 2009

I had the best intentions of keeping up this blog, but I didn't. However, that doesn't mean that I am not staying focused on my weight loss journey. I purchased another 8 weeks worth of training and I am continuing to progress. As of tonight I am down 55 lbs and almsot 7% body fat.

I still have a ways to go and I have not yet picked a goal weight. I hope I'll know it when I get there.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tenth Weigh In, April 10, 2009

It has been a long two weeks. An ear infection sidelined me from my workouts for a week. But once I got back on track I lost 5 pounds this week. I'm very pleased with my progress and I find the program is getting easier and easier. I am worried about how quickly the 12 weeks is coming to a close, only two more weeks!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ninth Weigh In, March 27, 2009

Four pounds this week, all of it fat, 1% of body fat. I was thrilled! I even missed my workout on Wednesday due to a doctor run with Five. I even had a little slip up on Thursday and gave into a couple of mini chocolate bars and a Girl Scout cookie at work. I am glad it didn't hurt me, but I also know that I have to get my focus back. Sick kids can definitely distract me from my weight loss goals.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eighth Weigh In - March 20, 2009

I can't believe that it has been a month since I last updated!

I must admit that I was getting frustrated for a while. Looking back over the past few weeks, on February 28th I lost nothing and even went up .1% in body fat. That wasn't a good week. I blame that on the new lower body routine I started on Wednesday before my Friday weigh-in. I could hardly walk and I have no doubt my muscles were retaining a lot of water.

The next week I lost only one pound, but I also gained a pound of muscle. Since fat loss is what I am most interested in, that actually counts as losing 2 lbs of fat. And then last week I had a great week. I lost 7 lbs! I think it took that long for my body to adjust to the really challenging lower body workout. Of that 5 lbs was fat. This week I lost another two pounds, of which half was fat, but I maintained all of my lean mass. So I am down 28 lbs total in about 8 weeks.

I am a little frustrated with all of the weight lifting working I am doing and still losing lean muscle mass. My trainer says not to worry about it. Right now my focus should be on losing fat and trying to preserve as much lean mass as possible. The more research I do on my own I have to agree with that assessment. It is difficult to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. To gain muscle you need to eat more and lose weight you need to eat less, they are definitely in conflict with each other.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fourth Weigh In - February 20, 2009

SIX pounds.

I don't think I need to say more than that. But of course I will. My body fat is down to 41.9% and I have lost a total of 18 lbs. I am so excited and please with my progress so far.

I think it is amazing that I was able to lose so much despite having my "cheat day" last Sunday. We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese and enjoyed some pizza. Then we headed to Munson's for some belated Valentine's Day chocolate and since we were still out went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner of nachos and burgers. I was physically ill from the food I ate, it was uncomfortable to sit. I will never binge like that again! Next weekend I plan on a lot more moderation. But my trainer did mention that nearly everyone goes through the same thing and that it is part of the learning process of how to eat.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Third Weigh-In - February 12, 2009

I must admit that I was really excited for this weigh-in. Our scale was going down, clothes were fitting better and it felt like I had made some real progress on the exercise this week. I lost 3 lbs, and I am satisfied with that. The fat % did go up a did, but for reasons beyond my control and that should all even out this week. I did learn that the little electronic fat measuring machine measures excess fluids as fat. So I still think it is all good for now and I am already looking forward to my next weigh-in.

And this weekend I can take my free day. I am a little nervous about eating whatever I want, but boy do I really want some pizza and white bread with butter. I don't intend to go crazy, but I do plan to enjoy some of the foods I have been missing. I am a little worried about how going off the plan for a day will effect my weight loss. It is supposed to be good, and so far everything they have told me has worked, so I guess I just have to trust the system. I don't know which day to pick yet. I had been planning all week on my free day being tomorrow but we have postponed the kids' trip to Chuck E Cheese until Sunday so I think I will wait until then.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Second Weigh-In - February 6, 2009

According to Horizon's very sensitive, don't even breath while you are on it scale, I lost another 3 lbs since Monday; all of it fat. It surprises my that I am not showing any increase in muscle, but the fat is definitely going down. Even if I don't necessarily think Jenn picked the correct number on the moving target scale, the fat monitor keeps going down. I think that needs to be the number I focus on. I have lost 1% of my boy fat in 11 days. I'll definitely take that!

The workouts have been getting a little easier. They are still tough and I am working hard, but they are starting to feel doable. It is a nice feeling. I've been doing well on the nutrition plan, although today was a challenge. I was hungry and had trouble making it to the minimum two hours between my meals. I am blaming it on the bronchitis I've been fighting so I had an extra meal today. Courting up my calories I still only ate 1400 calories even with the extra meal so I think I am doing fine.